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Create Your Own..

There are times when you want everything to go on in your way, in the way like you thought. You think that whatever you have planned that is the way in which things will go on. But the time changes, what people are today they might not be the same tomorrow. Their thoughts might change and accordingly you also deviate and go the other way. We never know what’s next even when we are pretty sure  about what is going to come.

When we are sure that everything will go fine at that moment we are somewhere aware of the silence before that storm. We know in that little corner of our heart that things are not going to be actually fine. But to convince ourselves we show off, we smile, we laugh, we think about those beautiful moments of life.

Things happen, you cannot stop them. What you can do is what is going on their in your skull, that clustered box. One more thing what you can do is do nothing. Then too the things will go on as they are destined. Destiny here does not relate to all those spiritual lessons but it relates to all that what you believe in. If you think its spiritual then it is and if you think its science, it might be.

You just imagine, try to make your thoughts come live, try to turn the things your way. See if anything happens your way. Because nothing will stop. Keep moving is the motto of this universe. You stop and you will start decaying. So, why just sit and work according to their experience ... Create your own…


  1. Thank you. ... time to move out on my own.... but just needed a favor mam.... how to over come the past .... I know its not a big deal to easily recover.... sometimes it don't let me come nd sometimes I too dont want to move.... a bit crazy this all.... its better if u can help me to get over of it.... I'm at

    Thank you


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