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The Six Souls.....

The stage was all set
Crowd roaring out loud
Their footsteps in fret
And the audience, spellbound.

The aura and charm
Of these mesmerizing ladies
Was of course simple and calm
But like sprightly blooming daisies.

They fabricated a circle
Then stood in a row
Overcoming all hurdles
These dames ready to steal the show.

Painted in black
Red, covered their delicate waist
Whole throng taken aback
Gazing them, all stuck and amazed.

Their blonde-black hair
Swirling with each step
Spreading a magic in the air
Capturing all eyes with respect.

Glittering lights
Focused on their face
Smiling all over
They had made their place.

Each and every shift
Went in a flow
So clean and swift
Elegant moves, fast and slow.

These captivating queens
Like water they flowed
Illuminating the whole arena
Building up 'The six souls'.


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